Hand-tufted Small Woollen Contemporary Yellow, Red, Orange and Pink Wavey Patterned 'Sierra' Square Area Rug

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90 x 91cm


Inspired by the desert and the Sierra Nevada mountains.

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Studio tuft rugs are one-of-a-kind and refuse to go unseen. These lovingly and meticulously handmade pieces bring design into focus; daring colourways and dynamic compositions are tufted to perfection, creating the ultimate luxury floor-candy. Shape your space with hardwearing functional art and tread some seriously sumptuous pile.

This small square area rug is tufted with a warm sunny colour scheme of maroon, burgundy, red, pink, orange, rust, yellow and mustard. The wavey pattern mixed with striped lines creates a modern geological design for you home. Tufted in hardwearing sustainably sourced rug wool this rug will be the perfect addition to any room in your home, bedroom, study, nursery or childs bedroom.

Materials information

- Sustainably sourced, hardwearing  rug wool. I use 80/20 rug wool it is 80% natural fiber wool and other 20% is synthetic and also factors in the dying process. This wool blend allows the rugs to be soft but also durable.

- I tuft onto polyester backing fabric for durability

- All my rugs are backed with natural latex made here in the UK

- I use coloured cotton herringbone tape to fix the edges and finish off the rug with a organic cotton Studio Tuft label

Like this rug but in a size or colour scheme that works for your home? Why not commission a version of this rug?