5 ways to style a studio tuft mini rug

Love the Studio Tuft mini rugs but not sure how to style them or where to put them in your home? Here is the answer to all your questions…

The mini rugs are super versatile, because of they are small in size they are perfect if you have a smaller house or are looking to add a pop of colour to your home.

Here are a few ideas of where I would put my mini rugs and what customers have done, and why not move them around to lots of different places!

  1. Next to your bed to warm your toes in the morning. It is such a good start to the day when you get out the bed onto a sumptuous piled rug.

2. In front of your favourite chair in the living room, kitchen, dining or bedroom. Theres nothing better than cosying down with a book or to watch a film with a beautiful rug at your feet.

3. On the wall, bringing texture to the room and could also be used for sound proofing if you live next to loud neighbours.

4. Under your desk in your home office, spend the whole day with your feet on something beautiful.

5. To accentuate a corner of the room, do you have a bit of dead space which is near the focal point of the room. A rug brightens up the area, adds a little colour and texture.

A rug can instantly change the feel of a room, adding warmth and bringing furniture together.

If you feel like a change in your decor and dont want the faff of painting the whole room a rug could be the option for you!


10 reasons to choose a Studio Tuft handmade rug


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